Buca Matenge conducting virtual meeting

You Contribute Significantly to the Growth of your Economy

As an entrepreneur you contribute significantly to the economy of your country. It’s very important as an entrepreneur to understand this.

At Business with Buca Matenge, we handhold, we coach, and we mentor small businesses (SMMEs) for growth, technology adoption as well as market access.

And no economy can survive without participation from small businesses. As an entrepreneur, you have to understand that you contribute significantly to the growth of your economy;  from the woman in the streets selling sweets and confectionery, to the man in his barber shop studio cutting hair.



You can never grow without being an entrepreneur. To us, entrepreneurship is self development.You cannot develop without developing the self. You cannot grow without developing the self.

At Business with Buca Matenge, we offer entrepreneurship as a viable option to formal employment.

The government of Botswana has recently established the Ministry of Entrepreneurship. This should come as good news and music to you and I as entrepreneurs. This gives us and opens us to opportunities that we might have always missed because we did not have a Ministry to take care of the challenges that we face as entrepreneurs and small businesses. First of all, in terms of advocacy to policies that you need changing that have been an impediment to your growth, wherever you are.


Let’s take this opportunity as we go forward and as we discuss issues around entrepreneurship development in our country, in our spaces, understanding that now that we have a  Ministry, we have a platform where we can solve our issues; burning issues in terms of infrastructure development, in terms of access to finance, in terms of access to up-skilling of your entrepreneurship trades and knowledge as well as partnerships that we can build with the government in growing the economy of our country.


For us at Business with Buca Matenge, it offers an immense opportunity in partnering with like-minded parastatals, organisations, in solving community problems.

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