Truth be told…
More than jobs, this country needs to be churning out job creators. This year’s Consumer Fair is a breath of fresh air! The country’s cottage industry is up and in full swing. SME’s are packaging indigenous products adding a modern twist to the recipes. Salts, sweets, meats, grains, detergents, lubricants and more are all in full display at the fair. The innovation and ingenuity is amazing. All packaged by local SME’s.
Congratulations to Local Enterprise Authority (LEA) ππΎππΎ.
For me, their stall housing various SME businesses is the best by far. Like a child in a candy store, I could not believe my eyes as I witnessed greatness personified by these budding entrepreneurs. Now let’s scale up! Let’s grow these concepts until we are able to export to far off lands. Let us be known by the quality products we produce in this Blue, Black and white nation of ours! The future is bright indeed!
We are at the cross roads Batswana betsho. If we don’t get it right right now, our grand children and their children are going to be slaves to other cultures. Whilst other nations bequeath treasures of wealth in the form of manufacturing and productive skills, let us guard against leaving our children with just a consumer mindset. With No skills to tackle future challenges, no politics to build a better Botswana, and no stamina to stay the course.