Truth be told….
Now that we know and understand the structural challenges farming startups face in our country, let us shift our focus to entrepreneurship aptitude or personality traits that we lack generally as a people.
The Japanese have the Kaizen.. Which basically means continuous improvement and growth. In order to continually improve, one needs to first continually learn. Results in entrepreneurship are never instant. Infact, it can take several years before one enjoys the actual benefits of their investment. Farming is the worst!! We lack the patience for growth in our nation. We hardly ever learn from others or from our previous mistakes. Hence, we are caught up in a spiral of continuous chaos.
#Information seeking
All successful entrepreneurs posses this trait. The ability to seek for information, so that one makes informed decisions in business. We thrive on hearsay, and never want to take the time to really interrogate issues. Information/data is key for the success of any institution.
#Problem solving
There is a saying that goes “money flows to those that solve people’s pressing problems”. Indeed this is true. Where there is a gap in the market for a solution to a problem, entrepreneurs that quickly move into this space are bound to make a killing. Batswana ba nyoretswe khumo! They just don’t know where to start. It will take time and patience and a change in mindset for us to become a problem solving nation.
***Truth be told….
Our easiest path as a nation to wealth creation, is through the land. Botswana is in the top three or bottom three (whichever way you look at it) of the most unequal societies in the world. As a low hanging fruit…. extracting value from our land should be of paramount importance. Yet… Batswana still don’t appreciate the wealth that lies in the land that they own. For those that are clued up, the system seems to be working against them, hence the nation is unable to dig itself out of this economic abyss that we find ourselves in. Join us on Monday as we talk to land expert Mr. Gilbert Sesinyi on opportunities that our land can offer, as well as the challenges Batswana face in trying to extract this value. Business unusual with Buca Matenge from 11am to 12pm Mondays.
#Gabzfm #yeswecan